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The World’s Deadliest Animals: Golden Poison Dart Frog

Written By Ian Kusmiran on Wednesday, March 26, 2014 | 9:29 PM

Source: Flick River

The World’s Deadliest Animals: Golden Poison Dart Frog

Dart frogs are well known thanks to their technicolor topcoat, though the origin of their name is just as vibrant: many tribes used the frog’s venom on the tips of their weapons to assail intruders. There are nearly 100 species of dart frogs, each of which varies in coloration, size, and toxicity. These species are all aposematic organisms, meaning that their coloring is an anti-predator adaption to scare away potential foes. The most toxic of all dart frog species, though, is the golden poison dart frog.

 Source: Cool Amphibians

Striking in its bright, neon appearance, a single golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans. It is currently endangered, and as a social animal, is often found in groups of four to six. Scientists are still unsure as to how these frogs become toxic. Though the skin of a wild golden poison frog is densely coated in alkaloid poisons, those raised in captivity never develop venom.
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